Year :2019
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
AO17 - AO21
Anatomical Variations in the Branching Pattern of Hepatic Segmental Arteries-A Cadaveric Study
Correspondence Address :
Snigdha Das, Ashwini C Appaji, Dr. Ashwini C Appaji,
Department of Anatomy, M S Ramaiah Medical College, MSRIT Post, Mathikere, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: ashwinishivaprasad@gmail.com
Introduction: Introduction: The hepatic arterial anatomy is variable. Preoperative evaluation of intra-hepatic arterial pattern is relevant for the surgeons during hepatic surgery as well as for the radiologists while doing endovascular interventions like transarterial chemo-embolization, arterial angiogram etc.
Aim: To identify the variable branching pattern of hepatic segmental arteries.
Materials and Methods: Thirty one formalin embalmed adult livers (both male and female) were dissected and cleaned to observe the branches of hepatic artery to the segments in terms of their point of origin. The branching patterns were photographed.
Results: The most common variant arteries were found to be the segment I and IV arteries in terms of their point of origin (71% and 61.3% livers respectively). The origin of other segmental arteries (II, III, V, VI, VII and VIII) were more or less constant. It was also found that segmental arteries can be single or multiple {dual branches were seen for segment I (40%), III (3.2%), IV(19.4%0, VII (3.2%), VIII (12.9%)}.
Conclusion: The variant arterial branching patterns are of great importance in the field of hepatic surgery especially during split and living donor liver transplantations including segmental resection. It will help to reduce the postoperative complications such as hepatic necrosis.