2016 | Month : July| Volume : 5 | Issue : 3
Vancouver Style
Jaipal R Beerappa, Balu S, Nandan Kumar L D, An uradha Kapali, Raghuram P.Mammographic and Sonomammographic Evaluation of Breast Masses with Pathological Correlation: A Prospective Original Study
[Internet].2016 July [Cited February 19, 2025];5(3):-.Available from:http://www.jcdr.net//back_issues.aspx?issn=0973-709x&year=2016&month=July&volume=5&issue=3&page= - &id=2148
APA Format
Jaipal R Beerappa, Balu S, Nandan Kumar L D, An uradha Kapali, Raghuram P.(2016).Mammographic and Sonomammographic Evaluation of Breast Masses with Pathological Correlation: A Prospective Original Study
, 5(3), -.