Year :2016
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
40 - 44
Role of High Resolution Ultrasonography and Color Doppler in Assessment of Thyroid Swelling in Correlation with USG Guided FNAC
Correspondence Address :
Aeshita Singh, Pratapsingh H. Parihar, CORRESPONDING AUTHOR:
Dr. Aeshita Singh,
S-18, Radhikabai PG Girls Hostel JNMC Campus,
Sawangi (M), Wardha (MH)-4422001, India.
E-mail: aeshita17@gmail.com
Introduction: Introduction: High resolution US is the imaging modality of choice to investigate the thyroid nodules. When multiple characteristics of thyroid malignancy appear in combination, US help to make an accurate diagnosis. Fine-needle aspiration cytology may help in further assessment of the thyroid swelling.
Aim: Ultrasound and Doppler evaluation of thyroid swelling with differentiating benign and malignant lesions on basis of ultrasonographic characteristic and by USG guided FNAC and to determine specificity, sensitivity and efficacy of high resolution ultrasound and guided FNAC as a pre-operative tool.
Materials and Methods: Total of 60 patients (10 males and 50 females), with 60 nodules detected by USG from July 2014 to September 2015. The characteristic of each nodule were determined and correlated with FNAC diagnosis.
Results: Out of 60 nodules examined, 12 (20%) were found to be malignant on FNAC. The malignant nodules demonstrated following characteristics- solid or predominantly solid (sensitivity 75%, specificity 63.82%), presence of micro calcification (sensitivity 83.33%, specificity 82.97% ), irregular or poorly defined margins (sensitivity 83.33%, specificity 95.74%) , taller than wider (sensitivity 75%, specificity 82.97% ), and markedly hypo-echoic (sensitivity 66.67%, specificity 66.67%). There were 33.33%, malignant nodules found in males and 66.66% in females.
Conclusion: Ultrasonographic and Doppler characteristic shows high accuracy to differentiate between benign and malignant nodules. USG guided FNAC can be used as preoperative diagnostic tool for management of thyroid swellings.