Year :2018
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
RC04 - RC06
Pseudomyxoma Peritonei: Radiological Aspect
Correspondence Address :
Ashish Garg, Nivedita Sharma, Rahul Khetawat, Neeraj Wadhwa, Nishu Raj, Dr. Ashish Garg,
A-4 Ashok Nagar, Mandoli Road,
Shahdara-110093, Delhi, India.
E-mail: drashishssmc@gmail.com
Introduction: Pseudomyxoma peritonei is one of the complications of mucin secreting tumours arising from appendix or ovary. Malignancy of biliary tree, urachus and colon may also have similar presentation. It can also be a post operative presentation in aforementioned malignancy. Excess of mucin may impair function of viscera. Early diagnosis, management and postoperative outcome is major prospective of radiological imaging. We hereby present a case of 61 years old female who presented with the complaint of pain abdomen for last 2 months which was not relieved by taking medicines. Computed Tomography (CT)scan was done which suggested it as umbilical metastatic deposit.