Year :2018
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
RO51 - RO57
Gray Scale and Colour Doppler Sonography in the Evaluation of Follicular Neoplasms of Thyroid
Correspondence Address :
Pradeephagalahalli Nagarajegowda, Vishwanath Vijay Joshi, Rajesh Raman, Rajendrakumar Narasipur Lingaiah, Shashikumar Mysorerangaswamy, Vijay Prakash Kannan, Nanjarajchakenahalliputtraj, Manupratap Na, Dr. Pradeep Hagalahalli Nagarajegowda,
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis,
Mysore Medical College and Research Institute,
Irwin Road, Mysuru-570001, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: hnpradeepgowda@gmail.com
Introduction: Introduction: Follicular neoplasms of the thyroid gland include benign follicular adenoma and follicular carcinoma. Currently, a follicular carcinoma cannot be distinguished from a follicular adenoma based on cytologic, sonographic, or clinical features alone.
Aim: To evaluate the gray scale and colour Doppler findings in differentiation of follicular carcinoma from follicular adenoma of thyroid.
Materials and Methods: From January 2013 through December 2013, ultrasound images of 40 patients with histopathologically proven diagnosis of follicular carcinoma and follicular adenoma were studied retrospectively. The following characteristics of each nodule were evaluated: margins, internal contents, echo texture, halo, presence and pattern of calcification, pattern of vascularity, Resistive Index (RI) of intranodular/ perinodular vessels. The frequencies of the ultrasound features were compared by ?2 tests. The relative risk of malignancy was determined using logistic regression analysis.
Results: Lobulated/poorly defined margins, predominantly solid composition, hypoechoic echotexture and thick incomplete or absent halo were associated with follicular carcinoma (p<0.05). On colour Doppler presence of predominantly central pattern of vascularity with an RI of >0.7 were more frequently observed in follicular carcinoma subgroup. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that lobulated/poorly defined margins, predominantly solid contents, thick incomplete or absent halo, Central/central > peripheral pattern of vascularity and Resistive Index (RI) of > 0.7 in intranodular/perinodular vessels were associated with significant increase in the relative risk of follicular carcinoma.
Conclusion: Gray scale and colour Doppler sonographic characteristics provide useful information for differentiating follicular carcinoma from follicular adenoma of thyroid.