Year :2018
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
RO37 - RO40
CT Evaluation of Small Bowel Wall Lesions
Correspondence Address :
Pushan Kumar Sharma, Devidas B Dahiphale, Asmita Suryawanshi, Abhang Apte, Saurabh Choudhari, Raj Deore, Dr. Devidas B Dahiphale,
Associate Professor, Department of Radiology,
MGM Medical College, Aurangabad-431003,
Maharashtra, India.
E-mail: drdbdahiphale@gmail.com
Introduction: Introduction: MDCT has lead to vast improvement in depiction and characterisation of small bowel wall lesions especially differentiation of benign and malignant lesions.
Aim: To evaluate the role of MDCT in suspected small bowel lesions in patients referred to Radiology Department of a Tertiary Care Centre at Aurangabad district of Maharashtra in India.
Materials and Methods: Present observational study was done on 49 patients of suspected small bowel lesions referred for MDCT during November 2014-2016. Patients presenting with symptoms related to altered bowel habits, positive small bowel wall findings on plain CT, small bowel lesions detected on ultrasound, history of trauma undergoing CT-scan with small bowel wall thickening on USG/CT were included. Patients were followed up to therapeutic/biopsy/operative diagnosis. Histopathological reports helped in retrospective confirmation of provisional diagnosis on MDCT.
Results: Duodenum was most common location for malignant lesions. Ileum (43.5%) was the most common location for benign lesions. The malignant lesions showed heterogeneous mixed attenuation (100%), marked thickening (66.7%) and asymmetric thickening (100%). Benign lesions showed homogenous attenuation (89.1%), mild thickening (93.5%) and symmetrical thickening (97.8%). Focal thickening was seen in most of the malignant lesions (66.7%) while segmental involvement was seen in most of benign lesions (93.5%). All malignant lesions were associated with adjacent fat stranding. Amongst benign lesions, surrounding fat stranding was absent in 71.7% cases.
Conclusion: MDCT imaging findings can provide very useful help in diagnosis of small bowel lesions along with clinical correlation especially for identification of benign or malignant nature of small bowel lesions.