Year :2018
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
SO06 - SO10
Pancreas Injury in Multiorgan Trauma Patients
Correspondence Address :
Leszek Sulkowski, Maciej Matyja, Artur Pasternak, Dr. Leszek Sukowski,
Bialska 104/118, Czestochowa, Silesia, Poland -42-218.
E-mail: leszeksulkowski@icloud.com
Introduction: Introduction: Pancreas injuries remain rare. However, when they occurr, they are extremely serious with a high mortality rate. For higher grades of pancreatic injuries surgical management, including damage control laparotomy, is recommended.
Aim: We present a series of patients with co existing pancreas trauma receiving surgery due to multiorgan trauma.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in the Department of General, Vascular and Trauma Surgery, Regional Specialist Hospital. 10191 patients have been hospitalised. Total 53 patients received surgery due to multiorgan trauma with co existing pancreas injury were evaluated.
Results: Patients had blunt trauma (92.4%), with a predominance of motor vehicle injuries (75.5%) as the cause. The pancreas injury specific sub scale of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma proposed Organ Injury Scale, concomitant injuries, surgical management and mortality were presented.
Conclusion: Pancreas injuries are rare and mainly concern younger males and follow blunt abdominal traumas, predominantly from motor vehicle accidents. They are associated with a high mortality rate. The co existing injuries to other abdominal parenchymal organs are mostly severe. The surgery based on damage control concept is a treatment of choice for the most severe pancreatic injuries.