Year :2019
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
AO13 - AO16
Cadaveric Study on Variations in the Formation of Extrahepatic Portion of Portal Vein
Correspondence Address :
Neelesh Kanasker, Preeti Sonje, Janhavi Bankar, Vatsalaswamy, Dr. Preeti Sonje,
Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri Colony, Pune-411018, Maharashtra, India.
E-mail: drpreetisalgar@gmail.com
Introduction: Introduction: Knowing the variations in the course of the portal vein is significant for performing surgeries of pancreas and duodenum. It is also helpful in managing the cases of traumatic rupture of mesentery. Awareness about the variations of the portal vein is critically important in surgical resection and transplantation, specifically during pre-treatment planning in order to reduce the complication rates of the surgical and radiological procedures. Also, the comprehensive knowledge of the portal vein variations is the key issue in determining the technical feasibility of surgical interventions like liver transplant, portal vein embolization before hepatectomy as well as the postoperative management.
Aim: To study the anatomical variations of portal vein, correlate the study with clinical conditions and to give valid ontological explanation for the same.
Materials and Methods: Twenty four cadavers embalmed in 10% formalin were procured from the department of anatomy and were dissected. Variations found were meticulously cleaned and photographed.
Results: Variations seen were: formation of portal vein by the confluence of superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric and splenic vein (1 case) also Inferior mesenteric vein terminating into superior mesenteric vein (6 cases) and many more.
Conclusion: The present study was undertaken with the intention of determining the approximate percentage of incidence of major variations in the formation of portal vein. Awareness of such variations prior to major abdominal surgeries can thus prevent massive intraoperative haemorrhage.