Year :2019
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
AO25 - AO27
Students’ Perception on Dissection and Prosection in Learning Gross Anatomy
Correspondence Address :
NB Pushpapa, Bhat Deepapa, K Pushpapalatha, Dr. NB Pushpa,
Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, JSSMC, JSSAHER, Mysuru-570015, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: pushpanb@jssuni.edu.in
Introduction: Introduction: Dissection is an integral part in learning Anatomy. The undergraduate students are allowed to dissect the cadaver and witness the structural details taught to them in the lectures. With the availability of many high quality specimens, simulating models, softwares for learning gross anatomy and also because of unfavourable students-cadaver ratio the question has evolved – Is there need to invest in a cadaver lab? Though the aforementioned resources are beneficial for learning anatomy, cadavers provide a 3D perspective not found with books or electronic media. With competency based medical education it is important for institutions to recognise student views and attitudes toward the learning method.
Aim: To evaluate the students’ perception towards dissection and prosection in learning gross anatomy.
Materials and Methods: First year MBBS students of our college who were exposed to both dissection and prosection method of learning were given questionnaire containing statements A-J, pertaining to dissection and prosection. They were asked to grade the statements based on Likert scale.Median score for each statement was calculated. Students were also asked to give their view towards dissection and prosection. The results were tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis. Percentage of students opting for dissection and prosection were calculated.
Results: Majority of the students (65%) opined in favour of dissection, 5% opined in favour of prosection and 30% favoured both methods for learning gross anatomy.
Conclusion: This study reflects the student’s attitude towards learning anatomy by dissecting cadavers than by prosection.