Year :2021
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
RC03 - RC05
Radiological Aspect of Unusual
Case of Rapidly Growing Giant
Phyllodes Tumour of Breast
Correspondence Address :
Neha Subhash Tyagi, Kaustubh Vinod Lokhande, Neha Subhash Tyagi,
801, Lalani Fairmont Building,15th Road, Khar West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
E-mail: nehatyagi17@gmail.com
Introduction: Phyllodes tumour or cystosarcoma phyllodes are a rare fibroepithelial tumour of breast, predominantly affecting the adult woman of age group 40-60 years. This is a case report of unusual, rapidly growing giant phyllodes in a 58-year-old women who came with history of enlarging lump in right breast without any significant pain or nipple discharge and was referred to the Radiology Department for mammographic and sonomammographic evaluation by the referring breast surgeon. This case is unique, since it describes how a rapidly growing breast lump is not always a sinister breast carcinoma but can be a benign, borderline or malignant phyllodes all of which can mimic a carcinoma in signs and symptoms, but hold a better prognosis. The final diagnosis of borderline phyllodes tumour was made on core biopsy followed by mastectomy of the involved breast. The main take away of this case report is how by having high level of suspicion, knowledge of specific imaging characteristics, correct biopsy technique combined with histopathology can help in reaching to a correct diagnosis leading to proper patient care and management.