Year :2025
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
AO01 - AO05
Acetabular Parameters in Adults and their Clinical Implications: A Cross-sectional Study
Correspondence Address :
Mathivanan Dharmalingam, Nirmaladevi Murugesan, Mathivanan Dharmalingam,
H. No. 104, Sanjay Nagar, Erode-638011, Tamil Nadu, India.
E-mail: maddiballack@gmail.com
Introduction: Introduction: The hip bones comprise the ilium, ischium and pubis. The acetabulum is a bony part of the hip bone derived from the convergence of the ilium superiorly, the ischium posteriorly, and the pubis anteriorly. The dimensions of the acetabulum are significant in the orthopaedic evaluation and treatment of acetabular dysplasia (hip dysplasia), Osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip joint, pincer type of impingement, acetabular fractures, congenital and acquired dislocation of the hip joint and hip arthroplasty. The clinical and anthropological importance of acetabular morphometry was considered the main background for conducting the present study.
Aim: To assess the morphometry and morphology of the acetabulum in the study population and compare the gender and side differences.
Materials and Methods: The present cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Anatomy, PSG IMSR, Coimbatore, western part of Tamil Nadu, India, from July 2015 to December 2015. One hundred (53 males, 47 females) dry hip bones were procured from the Anatomy Department. Morphological and morphometric parameters of the acetabulum, such as diameter, depth, capacity and Anterior Acetabular Ridge (AAR), were assessed in males and females for left-side and right-side (divided in eight groups), and then evaluated statistically using Independent t-tests, one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Pearson’s correlation tests.
Results: Of all 100 hip bones, the mean±Standard Deviation (SD) values of the diameter, depth and capacity were 48.55±3.68 mm, 22.94±2.91 mm and 31.10±11.02 mL, respectively. The curved type of AAR was observed predominantly in 50 (50%) hip bones, while the straight type of AAR was found to be the least common in 13 (13%). The differences in diameter, depth and capacity of the acetabulum between males and females were statistically significant (p-value<0.001).
Conclusion: The acetabular parameters were documented along with their clinical implications. Significant differences were observed between males and females in all parameters. A radiological approach will be the future scope of the present study.