Pancreas Injury in Multiorgan Trauma Patients Leszek Sulkowski, Maciej Matyja, Artur Pasternak
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : SO06 - SO10
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3879 |
1062 |
1058 |
MRI Correlation of Anterior Cruciate
Ligament Injuries with Femoral
Intercondylar Notch, Posterior Tibial
Slopes and Medial Tibial Plateau Depth
in the Indian Population Ashwini T, Aditi Jain, Ashok Adekal Kumar
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO01 - RO06
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3603 |
1011 |
989 |
Role of MRI in the Evaluation of Painful Knee Joint Neha Bansal, Navkiran Kaur, Kuldeep Singh Sandhu
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO27 - RO30
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3531 |
1072 |
1063 |
Predictive Accuracy of Fetal
Trascerebellar Diameter in Gestational Age Estimation with Fetal Cerebellar Grading Manupratap P Narayana, Basavaraj S Biradar, Nanjaraj P Chakenahalli, Shashikumar R Mysore, Rajendrakumar L Narsipur, Sanjay P Yadav
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO41 - RO46
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3438 |
965 |
962 |
Ultrasound of Hepatic Vessels in Fatty Liver Disease Varsha P Rangankar, Priya R Bhole, Sarang S Gosavi, Pranjali P Patil
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO31 - RO36
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3403 |
1075 |
1067 |
Role of MDCT Urography in Evaluation of Patients with Obstructive Uropathy: A Prospective Study of 50 Patients in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital Kamal Sharma, Narender Yadav, Puneet Mittal, Ranjana Gupta, Devanshu Rohilla
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO17 - RO21
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3403 |
1036 |
1028 |
Right Sided Aortic Arch and its rare Associations- A Case Series Nidhi Aggarwal, Narender kumar kardam, Kushal Babu Gehlot
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RS01 - RS05
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3396 |
1061 |
1058 |
Radiological assessment of hand skeleton ossification in children under Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) Mallaiah Praveen Kumar, Muppavarapu Venu Madhav
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO62 - RO67
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3369 |
983 |
971 |
CT Guided Transthoracic FNAC of Intrathoracic Lesions-An Institute Experience Nishaa prathap, Pattabhiraman, Raghuram, Siddharth Biswas
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO47 - RO54
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3344 |
992 |
991 |
Prenatal Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Posterior Urethral Valve:
A Case Report Nayan Chandra Sarkar, Malabika Misra, Arijit Debnath, Abhijit Haldar, Chaitali Sarkar
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RC11 - RC13
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3253 |
1033 |
1031 |
Aberrant Right Posterior Sectoral Duct Draining in Cystic Duct - An Interesting Intraoperative Challenge Aniruddha Bhosale, Akhileshwar Singh
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : SC01 - SC03
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3251 |
1114 |
1108 |
Anterior Translation of the Tibia at MR Imaging as a Predictor of Degree of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear Anand Kalegowda, Junaid Ahmed, Guruprasad Mehetri
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO12 - RO16
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3246 |
983 |
976 |
Anorectal Malformations Management and Outcome: An Observational Study Ansari Mohammed Abdul Maqtadir, Suresh R Harbade, Vishram S Pandey, Sarojini P Jadhavav
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : SO11 - SO14
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3210 |
1085 |
1082 |
Prospective Evaluation of Acute
Pancreatitis in Early Diagnosis Using
Modified CT Severity Index Amogh VN, Naren Satya Srinivas , Rav I Kumar, Arunchandra, Dayanand Kumar
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO07 - RO11
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3108 |
1098 |
1095 |
Intradiverticular Bladder
Carcinoma-A Rare Case
Report Aeshita Singh, Pawan Kumar Gupta , Mukul Shrivasta V
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RC01 - RC03
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3048 |
972 |
968 |
Morphological Study of Fissures, Lobes
and Bronchial Pattern in the Lungs-A
Cadaveric Study with Emphasis on
Surgical and Radiological Implications Heamnth Kommuru, Hema Priya Jeyaraman, Swaya M Jothi Dorai Raj, Deeptha Vasudeva N
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO01 - AO06
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3013 |
995 |
992 |
Tibial Plateau Morphometry in South Indian Population Prasanna Veera Kumar Attada, RavRavindranadh Gandrakota, Deena usha Kumari K
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO18 - AO22
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3006 |
966 |
959 |
Therapeutic use of Sodium Tetradecyl Sulphate in Management of Cutaneous Vascular Malformations ATUL SHISHODIA, JAGADAMBA SHARAN, CHANDRA PRAKASH PANDEY, BRIG. SURENDRA MOHAN SHARMA
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : SO01 - SO05
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2957 |
967 |
965 |
Oculodentodigital Dysplasia (ODDD) Presenting as Bilateral Advanced Glaucoma-A Case Report Abhishek Anand, Nisha Aggarwal, Mamta Singh, Atul Kumar Anand, Ankita Rathi
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : OC01 - OC04
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2943 |
1056 |
1055 |
CT Evaluation of Small Bowel Wall Lesions Pushan Kumar Sharma, Devidas B Dahiphale, Asmita Suryawanshi, Abhang Apte, Saurabh Choudhari, Raj Deore
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO37 - RO40
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2897 |
1065 |
1058 |
Tuberculosis of Shoulder Joint an
Unusual Case Presentation Rahul Dev
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RC04 - RC06
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2709 |
1009 |
1006 |
Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: Study of Common Associations and Varying Imaging Features Madhav Hegde, Naveen Raj MB
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO22 - RO26
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2653 |
1009 |
1003 |
Imaging Findings with 3D CT Angiographic Reconstruction of Carotico-cavernous Fistula-A Case Report SHIVU JAYADEV, KARTHIK ADIRAJU, BHUSHITA LAKHKAR, PARTH VAISHNAV
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RC07 - RC10
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2469 |
969 |
968 |
Appearance of Renal Cysts in Adult Human Cadavers Milan A Singh, Dilip C Master
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO07 - AO12
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2378 |
1037 |
1036 |
Variations in Foramen Transversarium of Cervical Vertebrae-An Observational Study Sumalatha Thimmaraju, Manasa Bethi
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO13 - AO17
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2289 |
1063 |
1059 |
Role of Diffusion Weighted Imaging and MR Spectroscopy in Characterization of Intracranial Neoplasms Kamini Gupta, Nikhil Jain, Kavita Saggar
Year : 2018
| Month : July
| Volume : 7
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO55 - RO61
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2013 |
1035 |
1033 |