Vascular Loops at the Cerebellopontine Angle and their Correlation with Otological Symptoms D Padma Reka, AM Anand, N Kulasekaran, G Balachandran, P Elamparidhi, R Sibhithran
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO11 - RO14
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
15404 |
1111 |
1084 |
A Morphological and Morphometric Study of Glenoid Fossa of Scapula and its Implication in Shoulder Arthroplasty Archana Singh, Arun Singh, Preeti Agarwal, Rakesh Gupta
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO06 - AO09
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
5582 |
1163 |
1151 |
Local Anaesthesia Versus Spinal Anaesthesia in Inguinal Hernia Surgery- An Evidence Based Approach Anurag Jain, Rajiv Jain, Ashish Choudhrie
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : SO01 - SO04
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
5507 |
1001 |
994 |
Elephantiasis Neuromatosa in Neurofibromatosis Type I Mimicking Venocapillary Malformation Rishikant Sinha, Pranav Kumar Santhalia, Subhash Kumar, Prem Kumar, S Aparna
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : RC01 - RC02
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
5482 |
1041 |
1037 |
A Study of Morphometric Analysis of Condyles of Adult Dry Femur of Humans in Gujarat Region Hiren S Chavda, Nishita K Jethva, Sudarshan Gupta
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO01 - AO05
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
4624 |
1110 |
1106 |
Correlation of Carotid Artery Doppler with Risk Factors and Computed Tomography Brain in Patients with Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accident R Chitrah, S Sivaranjinie, D Padmareka, A Umamageswari, P Elamparidhi, R Sibhithran
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO15 - RO20
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3671 |
998 |
995 |
Cadaveric Study on Variations in the Formation of Extrahepatic Portion of Portal Vein Neelesh Kanasker, Preeti Sonje, Janhavi Bankar, Vatsalaswamy
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO13 - AO16
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3561 |
1072 |
1071 |
Morphological and Morphometric Study of Foramen Magnum in Dry Human Skull and Its Clinical Significance Archana Singh, Preeti Agarwal, Arun Singh
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO10 - AO12
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3521 |
1002 |
972 |
Anatomical Variations in the Branching Pattern of Hepatic Segmental Arteries-A Cadaveric Study Snigdha Das, Ashwini C Appaji
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO17 - AO21
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3519 |
1006 |
1004 |
Evaluation of Hip Disorders Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Arjun Prakash, Supreetha A Hegde, KS Vedaraju, Deepapa S Benegal
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO21 - RO25
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3510 |
999 |
993 |
Role of Ultrasound and Colour Doppler in Diabetic Nephropathy-Correlation with Biochemical Parameters Sai Shankar Mankuzhy Gopalakrishnan, Padhmini Balasubramaniam, koukutla srivenkat reddy
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO31 - RO35
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3307 |
995 |
988 |
Coronary Artery Calcium Score and Framingham Risk Score in Symptomatic Indian Population-Any Correlation with Coronary Artery Disease Severity? Anitha Kini, Sanjaya Viswamitra, Srikanth Sola
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO06 - RO10
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3303 |
1056 |
1049 |
A Comparative Study of Mammography and Sonomammography with Histopathology in Evaluating Palpable Breast Masses B Priyanka, Mohammed Ismail, Mr Shashikumar, Nl Rajendrakumar, CP Nanjaraj
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO01 - RO05
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3145 |
1035 |
1020 |
Stature Estimation from Head Length and Breadth by Regression Analysis in Madhya Pradesh Population Anjali Krishna Prasad, Monali Prakash Hiwarkar, Abhishek Kumar, Onjal Kamlakar Taywade
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO22 - AO24
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
3066 |
998 |
995 |
Assessment of TRUS (with Colour Doppler) and MRI with TRUS Guided Biopsy in Prostatic Lesion Diagnosis – A Comparative Study Mohammed Ahetasham, Greeta Mathews
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO36 - RO39
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2858 |
996 |
995 |
JSS CT Scoring System for Management of Ureteric Calculi Nagaraj Murthy, Ashwini Sindagi
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : RO26 - RO30
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2764 |
987 |
982 |
Spontaneous Bladder Rupture Secondary to Neurogenic Bladder Following Acute Cerebrovascular Accident Kah Seng Khoo, Mazlan Hasbillah, Eskaandar Ussof, Ismail Illyasha
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : SC01 - SC02
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2760 |
1031 |
1029 |
Students’ Perception on Dissection and Prosection in Learning Gross Anatomy NB Pushpapa, Bhat Deepapa, K Pushpapalatha
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : AO25 - AO27
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2708 |
956 |
949 |
Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Non-Specific Abdominal Pain (NSAP) Nihar U Chandak, Shreya N Chandak, Satish D Deshmukh, Rajiv K Sonarkar, Amol M Lahoti5, Ankita A Lahoti
Year : 2019
| Month : July
| Volume : 8
| Issue : 3
| Page : SO05 - SO08
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2580 |
987 |
987 |