Bilaterally Elongated Styloid
Process – A Case Report Rajan Kumar Singla, Bhagya Shree, Ravi Kant Sharma
Year : 2014
| Month : September
| Volume : 3
| Issue : 3
| Page : 6 - 9
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
7374 |
1305 |
1272 |
Student Perceptions of
Team Based Learning in
Head and Neck Anatomy Vasudha Kulkarni, Ashwini C. Appaji, Poonam.D.N, Ramesh B.Ray
Year : 2014
| Month : September
| Volume : 3
| Issue : 3
| Page : 1 - 5
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
6579 |
1248 |
1237 |
Jejunal Diverticula with Perforation-
A Case Report Dinesh Hn, Jagadish Kumar Cd, Veeresh M Annigeri, Sabayya, Supritha Jt
Year : 2014
| Month : September
| Volume : 3
| Issue : 3
| Page : 10 - 12
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
5814 |
1266 |
1248 |
Primary Intramuscular Hydatid
Cyst of the Gastrocnemius
Muscle – A Rare Case Report Shiv Kumar Bunkar, Sameer Vyas, Neena Kasliwal, Umesh C.Sharma, Om Prakash Tholiya
Year : 2014
| Month : September
| Volume : 3
| Issue : 3
| Page : 13 - 15
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
5320 |
1270 |
1253 |
High Grade Neuroendocrine Carcinoma
of The Gall Bladder: A Rare Entity Channabasappa Kori, Sindhu V A, Sameer Gupta, Vijay Kumar, Kiran Preet Malhotra
Year : 2014
| Month : September
| Volume : 3
| Issue : 3
| Page : 16 - 18
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
4907 |
1309 |
1299 |
Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis Mehrdad Nabahati, Raheleh Mehrain, Mahmoud Monadi, Maedeh Rajabi, Afshin Khan
Year : 2014
| Month : September
| Volume : 3
| Issue : 3
| Page : 19 -
] | [ FULL TEXT ]
2950 |
1236 |
1227 |